Tuesday 21 May 2019

New E-Primer: Second Edition

New E-Primer cover
We are proud to announce the new E-Primer! It is completely revised to get you started with the latest features in E-Prime 3 (although it will still help users who work with E-Prime 1 and 2) and includes many new tutorials and exercises. These explain in detail the most exciting new possibilities enabled by E-Prime 3, as well as providing help with common challenges (such as how to connect auxiliary hardware, such as EEG amplifiers). There are also many improvements in style and technical details while retaining its predecessor's winning combination of a bold design and accessible text (1).

A preview of The E-Primer is available here.

From the publisher:

About this book
E-Prime® is the leading software suite by Psychology Software Tools for designing and running Psychology lab experiments. The E-Primer is the perfect accompanying guide: It provides all the necessary knowledge to make E-Prime accessible to everyone. You can learn the tools of Psychological science by following the E-Primer through a series of entertaining, step-by-step recipes that recreate classic experiments. The updated E-Primer expands its proven combination of simple explanations, interesting tutorials and fun exercises, and makes even the novice student quickly confident to create their dream experiment.


* Learn the basic and advanced features of E-Studio’s flexible user interface
* 15 step-by-step tutorials let you replicate classic experiments from all Psychology fields
* Learn to write custom code in E-Basic without having any previous experience in programming
* Second edition completely revised for E-Prime 3
* Based on 10+ years of teaching E-Prime to undergraduates, postgraduates, and colleagues
* Used by Psychology Software Tools to train their own staff!

1 Read: Has an orange cover and contains banter, cats, and countless silly examples.

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